Done with real hardware today. Works fine.


On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:53:09 +0200 Bernd Maier <> 
>Many thanks! I will try it this weekend.
>One additional question:
>How much RAM needs the Fossil+Venti Fileserver in total?
>On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 10:11:27 +0200 David du Colombier 
><> wrote:
>>In fact, it's pretty straightforward.
>>In the following example, I consider you have a disk sdE0
>>with Fossil, and you want to add a disk sdE1 with Venti.
>>Create the Venti partitions:
>>disk/fdisk -baw /dev/sdE1/data
>>disk/prep -bw -a^(isect arenas bloom) /dev/sdE1/plan9
>>Format the Venti file systems:
>>venti/fmtisect isect /dev/sdE1/isect
>>venti/fmtarenas arenas /dev/sdE1/arenas
>>venti/fmtbloom /dev/sdE1/bloom
>>Since the bloom filter requires memory equal to its size
>>on disk, you could need to pass the parameter -s to fmtbloom
>>to specify its size or directly adjust the partition size.
>>Keep in mind that Venti use 20% total memory by default, and
>>1/3 of it is allocated to the bloom filter.
>>For example, with 1 GB of memory, you cannot have a bloom filter
>>larger than 64 MB (which is sufficient) with the default 
>>Of course, the bloom filter is optional anyway.
>>Configure Venti:
>>echo 'index main
>>isect /dev/sdE1/isect
>>arenas /dev/sdE1/arenas
>>bloom /dev/sdE1/bloom' | venti/conf -w /dev/sdE1/arenas
>>Initialize the index sections:
>>venti/fmtindex /dev/sdE1/arenas
>>Read your current Fossil configuration:
>>fossil/conf /dev/sdE0/fossil > fossil.conf
>>Edit fossil.conf, it should look like something like:
>>fsys main config /dev/sdE0/fossil
>>fsys main open -V -c 3000
>>Remove -V to open and srv if needed, then
>>add the following line to enable automatic
>>fsys main snaptime -s 60 -a 0530 -t 2880
>>(snapshot at 05:30, temporary snapshot each
>> hour and discarded after two days)
>>Write your new Fossil configuration:
>>fossil/conf -w /dev/sdE0/fossil < fossil.conf
>>Mount your 9fat file system, then add the following line
>>to the file /n/9fat/plan9.ini:
>>After rebooting, the current Fossil content will be dumped
>>to Venti.
>>David du Colombier

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