On Thursday 08 of September 2011 11:09:41 dexen wrote:
> you could create a 9p->http->9p bridge to work around high-latency links;
> it would gather a bunch of 9p operations (...)

the idea is NOT to serialize and send 9p packets themselves, but rather than 
to translate a bunch of 9p operations into one HTTP request/response.
send one HTTP GET with proper pathname, and obtain one HTTP 200 OK with the 
right content (possibly using Range header, possibly also requesting more data 
than strictly necessary and cache it locally to serve subsequent TReads, to 
avoid many HTTP requests for small amounts of data).

> could get a bit hairy for writes.

IIRC there's that `PATCH' HTTP method; not widely supported but could do.

TAuth could probably translate to HTTP Auth, at least to some extent. HTTP 
itself is stateless, but a pipelined HTTP connection could be equated to one 
authenticated 9p session.

dexen deVries


For example, if the first thing in the file is:
   <?kzy irefvba="1.0" rapbqvat="ebg13"?>
an XML parser will recognize that the document is stored in the traditional 
ROT13 encoding.

(( Joe English, http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/sgml/faq-not.txt ))

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