On Thursday 08 of September 2011 11:41:05 Winston Kodogo wrote:
> (...)
> I'm puzzled as to why the line "int nigel = 1;" is syntactically OK,
> and although it seems to have declared the variable "nigel" - else the
> following code would fail to compile - has failed to give it the
> initial value of 1, as requested.

consider the `switch' statement a switchboard that jumps to one of the 

nigel is not getting initialized because this code path is not executed -- as 
it is not part of any `case' taken by the switch. 

an `automatic' (non-static) variable is initialized by a piece of code, the 
code gets executed whenever flow of control reaches that particular place.

a static variable (`static int inigel = 1') is initialized by static data, 
before any code gets executed -- and only once. static will do what you 

this is why you can place a static variable outside of any function and it 
still gets initialized.

both kinds have their uses, in different situations.

for reference:

for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
  int nigel = 1; // this emits some code that gets executed for every loop and 
resets the var to `1'
  printf("nigel: %d,", nigel);

will print: nigel: 1,nigel: 1,nigel: 1, ...

on the other hand: 

for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
  static int nigel = 1; // this var is initialized just once before main() 
begins and doesn't reset
  printf("nigel: %d,", nigel);

will print: nigel: 1,nigel: 2,nigel: 3, ...

dexen deVries


For example, if the first thing in the file is:
   <?kzy irefvba="1.0" rapbqvat="ebg13"?>
an XML parser will recognize that the document is stored in the traditional 
ROT13 encoding.

(( Joe English, http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/sgml/faq-not.txt ))

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