>  I think you have seriously misapprehended many things about Plan 9.

What am I misapprehending?

> We don't have X. We are not Linux compatible, although there's a
> rather decent Linux emulator. There is no GTK, no Qt, no Firefox, no
> modern C++ compiler.

I don't need X, Linux compatibility, GTK, Qt, Firefox, or C++.

I need an OS that runs a browser.

I was using "startx" in the figurative sense.

> I think it's time for people to stop telling the "Plan 9 community"
> what its goals should be,

Are my-two-cents worth a negative amount?

> when these people haven't even booted Plan
> 9.

Why should I boot Plan 9, when I know I can't run a browser, and I already
have p9p?


 - Leonard

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