On 09/15/2011 10:56 PM, Sasha and Tanya Kapshuk wrote:
On 09/15/2011 12:57 AM, Richard Miller wrote:
i want to boot plan9 using grub.
My /boot/grub/menu.lst includes these lines:

title       Plan 9
root        (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

and the corresponding partition has /386/pbslba as a boot block --
see format(8).

thanks for the tip, Richard, but i found that debian squeeze doesn't have /boot/grub/menu.lst anymore. i tried googling for instructions on how to add alternative systems to grub2, but so far haven't found anything substantial;
the only thing i did try was i added this to /etc/grub.d/40_custom:
menuentry "Plan9 from Bell Labs" {
    insmod chain
    insmod fat16
    set root=(hd0,1)
    chainloader +1

then i ran update-grub as root and rebooted the system;

this time "Plan9 from Bell Labs" did appear in the grub menu; i selected it and got an error: message: error: invalid signature

the right way of doing it isn't immediately obvious to me;

any input would be appreciated;

sasha kapshuk.

i found what the problem was...
my plan9 partition is /dev/sda3, so the following entry in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file should read:
menuentry "Plan9 from Bell Labs" {
    insmod chain
    insmod fat16
    set root=(hd0,3) #not set root=(hd0,1)
    chainloader +1
it should be followed by running update-grub and rebooting the system;

the instructions above are confirmed to have worked on my system;

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