On Tuesday 04 of October 2011 02:02:31 erik quanstrom wrote:
> xp won't use it correctly either.  in fact, if you're using a standard
> fdisk layout, chances are things are a little sideways on nearly any
> os.
> in any event, if i were buying a 2t hard drive today, i'd get
>       http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136365

This RE4-GP is actually `low-power' version -- it spins at < 7.200RPM (they 
tout it as `IntelliPower'). RE4 is the `enterprise' 7.200 version.

If you can stand a 1.5TB, I'd recommend Seagate ST31500341AS as fast at 
7.200RPM, reliable and 512B sector based.
dexen deVries



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