On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 02:34:49PM -0800, Christopher Nielsen wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 14:29, Lyndon Nerenberg <lyn...@orthanc.ca> wrote:
> > make
> > nmake
> > pmake
> > bmake
> > mk
> > gmake
> >
> > i guess ant is the solution.  lord knows posix could not decide on a single
> > syntax. because it would mean picking one syntax.  which was against the
> > rules.  unlike all the places where they did that in the C library.  fecking
> > eeegits.
> Having had to (grudgingly) deal with ant, I would say that it is
> definitely not the solution. Ant uses XML for its syntax. I think that
> says it all.

And seeing the mess, wanting to be able to compile and cross-compile
on whatever; or wanting to not need tens of gigabytes of free space
to compile a "thing" to finally obtain tens of megabytes of programs
(solution: program the framework so that intermediary objects are
removed once the target is obtained); and definitively _not_ wanting
autoconf and automake, I have designed R.I.S.K. for KerGIS, used
now for kerTeX too (and others not published):  it has taken me
even not one day of work (it for sure shows).

Not to say that R.I.S.K. is the solution. But there are a lot of threads
that take an amount of time reading sufficient to have the job done...

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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