Charles Forsyth <> once said:
> that's a little tidier, but still not right. the original
> pswt.c code was fine (or nearly so). the problem is
> actually in 8c's handling of 64-bit values and registers.

I'm not sure I understand entirely.  Could you
elaborate this a bit?  Also I'm a bit confused
about how uvlongs are handled in 8c.  Regalloc
seems to use D_F0 for signed vlongs which works 
fine with the AFMOVV instructions but IIRC that
only works for signed 64-bit values.  To use an
unsigned value there would have to be some sort
of pre- and post-processing before a load or
store into the FP register.  I don't see code
for that anywhere.  Did I miss it?

Any help is appreciated.


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