On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 02:47:19PM +0100, David du Colombier wrote:
> > No. I thought that if low == high epochs, there is no room left for
> > cleaning?
> Temporary snapshots will automatically expire after snapLife,
> specified by snaptime -t (0 is unlimited), every day or
> every snapLife if inferior.
> Running snapclean 0 will discard all snapshots and will
> set epoch low = hi. Running snapclean without argument will
> only discard snapshots older than snapLife or everything
> if unspecified.
> You can display the current epochs with the "epoch" command
> in fossilcons.
> You can check the remaining temporary snapshots with:
> % 9fs snap
> % ls /n/snap

Thanks for the explanations!
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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