> cc -c -OPT:Olimit=0 -g -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -IInclude -I./Include
> -DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/grammar.o Parser/grammar.c
> cc: flag -P ignored
> cc: flag -: ignored
> cc: can't find library for -l
> /usr/john/Python-2.7.2/Parser/grammar.c:46[stdin:12906] incompatible
> types: "IND CHAR" and "INT" for op "AS"
> /usr/john/Python-2.7.2/Parser/grammar.c:108[stdin:12968] incompatible
> types: "IND CHAR" and "INT" for op "AS"
> cc: cpp: 8c 896765: error
> *** Error code 1

those compiler flags are utterly bogus.  you may wish to
fix that before looking at the error messages.

- erik

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