
I have released a new version of kerTeX: 0.9999.4.0 with fixes for
dvips(1) (problem with pfb with huge number of glyphes), and an
extension of the searching routines to allow (waiting for authors to
realize that a dir is part of a name...) for a more organized hierarchy
(letting added stuff in subdirs).

Remainder: kerTeX aims to be a TeX "kernel", that is is hosted on
whatever system (here: Plan9), but TeX packages are only kerTeX problem
and _not_ the host problem.

Hence all the latex.sh, ba...@latex.sh are not scripts for Unices, they
are packages for kerTeX. On Plan9, one uses the very same thing. A
package is written once, and run on kerTeX that is wherever kerTeX is

I have changed the repository on the server, so files have moved.

Furthermore, I made changes to the pkg framework. So retrieve the new

Generating fonts and formats for the base system is now:

$KERTEX_SHELL $KERTEX_LIBDIR/pkg/kertex.sh install

and not adm/pkg_core install anymore.

(This is on Plan9:

ape/sh /lib/kertex/pkg/kertex.sh install

The page:

http://www.kergis.com/kertex.html (français)

http://www.kergis.com/en/kertex.html (international english)

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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