> 1. Is Nfactotum the back port of factotum from p9p?
> 2. Any chance that these different branches could be brought together?

no.  this is a rewrite.

> I note that the "9p.h" extension is trivial, I see no reason for the
> Plan 9 distribution not to include it.  But the differences between
> factotums are in a league of their own.  Now I appreciate the Go
> authors aiming to minimise the quantity as well as the impact of
> changes.

the new version of factotum is a different approach.  the old factotum
essentially stack-ripped the protocol steps, and was a real pain in the neck.
to work with.  there's no fixing it without a rewrite.

so russ i think with input from charles, rewrote factotum so that the
protocols proceed in a single thread.

here are the cavets of the new version to the best of my knowledge
1.  there's no vnc authentication.  please send a patch, if you'd like
to fix this.

2.  old versions of drawterm have broken p9any negotiation.  the old
factotum accepted broken negotiation because it was missing some framing.
since it seemed impossible to be bug-for-bug compatabile with broken
framing, it just got fixed.  this means old dt clients need updating.

a patch was sent in to russ about 2 years ago for this.

- erik

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