I have in the todo yet another
ui system to run on top
of other systems. for terminals. 

iphone kbd. excuse typos :)

On Apr 17, 2012, at 4:16 AM, kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp wrote:

>> http://lsub.org/ls/nix.html
> yeah, now I can browse individual files now,
> When I tried two days ago, onlt directories can be browsed.
> Yes, I downloaded nix.tgz, and running it on my Ubuntu 11.10.
> I'm also running 9front here, of course, Plan 9 itself which I'm now
> writing this mail.
> I retired the univ this March, and have time now.   I'm looking
> into codes of Plan 9 for my fun.  I'm looking many to find out
> which is most interesting to make me most fun.
> Then, I have a question to all working for OS developement.
> Developping device drivers, such as 3D mode of nvidia card etc.,
> is very difficult now, because there is no documents abailable.
> However, if we try to develope OS, we have to meet this difficulty.
> How you are trying to solve this?
> Kenji

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