> The bell labs iso would boot but not find the disk leading
> to some confusion when I didn't notice it was trying to
> partition the install CD during installation

Which Plan 9 CD image have you tried? The first Plan 9 CD
including the new bootstraps was published just yesterday.

> after setting to Compatibility mode the Bell Labs iso install
> would go along well until it was trying to copydist which
> then was either completely failing or going incredibly slow;
> I waited at least 15 minutes during this process and it was
> at around 3% before I gave up.  The cd would spin up and
> down but it really didn't seem to be copying anything at
> all or at least nothing very quickly.

Have you enabled DMA at the begin of the installation
process? Whitout DMA, your disk i/o will likely be
something like ten times slower.

David du Colombier

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