term% ls -l /srv/cwfs.cmd
---w--w---- s 0 cinap_lenrek cinap_lenrek 0 May  5 10:27 /srv/cwfs.cmd

its write only. output of cwfs goes to /dev/cons (you can capture the
output with /dev/kmesg or /dev/kprint).

the runtime commands are described in fs(8). some commands apply only
to the stand alone kenfs (see fs(4)) filesystem (which cwfs is a port
of to plan9 userspace initialy done by geoff). the differencies are
documented in cwfs(4) manpage.

cwfs also has a config mode (when you start it with -c), then it also
reads from the console on startup until you end config mode with the
"end" command. the syntax for config mode is described in fsconfig(8).


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