% sed -n 20,32p /sys/src/cmd/grep/grep.y
prog:   /* empty */
                yyerror("empty pattern");
|       expr newlines
                $$.beg = ral(Tend);
                $$.end = $$.beg;
                $$ = re2cat(re2star(re2or(re2char(0x00, '\n'-1), 
re2char('\n'+1, 0xff))), $$);
                $$ = re2cat($1, $$);
                $$ = re2cat(re2star(re2char(0x00, 0xff)), $$);
                topre = $$;

The above code sets up the initial state
machine including the pattern passed on
the command line, $1.

This combined with the fact that multiple
"stars" are coalesced causes the weirdness
you're seeing.


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