On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Ethan Grammatikidis

> On Sun, 10 Jun 2012 18:19:20 -0400
> Comeau At9Fans <comeauat9f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ok, so, unless I was asleep at the wheel following these
> > discussions, there's been a few "mini PCs" to come about lately:
> >
> > * Raspberry Pi
> > * Cotton Candy
> > * Mele A1000
> > * MK802
> >
> > We have a small number of the latter (MK802 running Android 4.0,
> > which claims to have a Allwinner ARM A10 1.5Ghz Cortex-A8 processor)
> > for sale FWIW.  I mention this as LINUX is making its way onto some
> > of these devices, er computers, so I expect that Plan 9 has possibilities
> > here too.
> >
> I'm still waiting for the Zaurus port somebody did last year or so. ;)
> Well, I'm not exactly waiting. He said something about "performance
> problems" which I can believe. Use a couple of pipes (foo|bar|baz) in
> the Z's native Linux and it about halves the useful performance, so I
> can't imagine Plan 9 doing well on it. Inferno would probably do better.

I'm not trying to compare Plan 9 with LINUX here but saying this, and, I'm
still trying to get syncronized on the story, but at least LINUX can
survive on the MK802.  There has been some complaints about speed, however,
I also understand that was with the first generation of them and that the
current lot being released this week addressed that.  We shall see shortly.

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