On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 09:04:13AM +0200, Rudolf Sykora wrote:
> This pertains to the example I gave:
> Having
> | asdfasdf asdfasdf asdfasdf asdfasdfa asfdsfasdf
> where | represents an empty dot at the beginning of a line (line as
> drawn in the editor), .+0 does nothing. According to what .+0 should
> do, I'd expect it should select the whole line.

I'm definitively not an expert, but I always thought that there was only
one legitimate direction of the stream or the string i.e. the direction
of the sequence (addressing lines "3,2" is not legitimate). If this is
handled like a circular buffer, with only one legitimate direction, .+0
goes from the end to the beginning, but in the correct direction in
the circular buffer, and selects nothing (since next to end you have

Hoping not saying too much nonsense.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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