Forgive me, 

Somehow I removed the -v from the call to go test. That makes the log print 
only for failed tests.

Regarding TCP, forsyth reminded me that it's what I'd get with the std. Plan 9 
system calls, which
is so.

I guess my question is… how can I interrupt a reader in that case? In C I'd be 
able to interrupt it.
Now, in go on Plan 9, I can't interrupt it and I can't make the stream hangup. 

What do you do in that case? Or, more likely, what am I doing wrong?


On Feb 18, 2013, at 4:07 PM, wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using go for a few things in Plan 9, and noticed a couple of things.
> I'd just like to know if it's me or if this also happens to others:
> - diagnostics issued by log.Print et al. don't show up unless I call log.Fail
> - closing a tcp connection which is still open by a nearby reader proc does 
> not report EOF to the other end
> of the connection.
> It might be something I made or something I didn't understand, but just in 
> case 
> these are known I thought I might ask here.
> thanks 
> [/mail/box/nemo/msgs/201302/876]

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