On Sun Mar  3 12:57:49 EST 2013, paul-a.patie...@polymtl.ca wrote:
> I would also like it if %g acted the same in plan9
> as everywhere else (printing 0.1 instead of .1 in
> my example). That's also really easy to change.
> It doesn't make sense for plan9port's %g to be
> different from plan9, because now you cannot even
> count on both prints to work the same way. Since
> printf's %g works like plan9port right now, it
> would make sense to change plan9's version.
> I don't know the history behind %g's current
> behaviour, however.

i don't have access to 3e sources, but 2e does not
add the extra digit like current plan 9 source does.
(it does however omit the leading 0 on 0.1.)

looking at the differences, i think there's a clue in
the 2e comments

         * n is number of digits to convert
         * 1 before, f2 after, 1 extra for rounding

we can see that after the label "found:" c1 is set
to prec+1, but that's including the rounding digit.
(cf. "try decimal rounding" above.)

it looks like a simple error in converting the code
from the old non-va_args style to the current style.

- erik

p.s. i haven't talked to anyone to wrote the code, so
maybe somebody who knows more about this than i
could chime in?

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