There are, regularly, mention for "porting" or having gcc(1) on Plan9 in
order to be able to port more user level applications (because user
level applications not only depend on a bunch of things---generally
ignoring standards---but on compiler idiosynchrasies too...).

With gcc 4.8.0, the implementation of gcc is now in C++... And to
compile a compiler, one needs a C++ compiler...

Great! I always thought that, because of what can be embedded in a
compiler (cf. Ken Thompson's Trusting Trust) and because of a
bootstrapping process (as explained in the red dragon book for example),
the compiling of a compiler should need the strict minimum...

IMHO, with the advent of a crisis compared to which 1929 will be a
minor storm, there will be a general disgust and lack of trust and a
return for crucial things to small is beautiful (and safer).

Plan9 is not dead, simply waiting its "finest hour". Gcc on Plan9 is. 
And I won't weep.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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