On Tuesday, 26 March 2013 17:03:14 UTC+11, Kurt H Maier  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 06:45:33AM +0200, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> > But it's a strange thing to want to do.  A bit like asking for the
> > Ford Model T gear shift in a modern car.
> I reject this analogy and the implied value judgement.
> > Choices have been made by those who had the right influence (you may
> > want to call it power) and some of those choices were known to be
> > wrong at the time or were discovered to be wrong subsequently - we
> > call this history.  The best we can do now is to make sure that when
> > new choices present themselves (which is all the time, of course) the
> > decision making is closer to the needs of those who have to live with
> > them.  The rest is known familiarly as politics.
> What is your point?  I need to elevate myself with in trade
> organizations to avoid using javascript?  I'm not sure where you're
> going with this.

It is a pointless reflection. There is no need for a Model T gear
box, and there hasn't been for years.

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