On 2013/03/27, at 8:22, trebol <trebol55...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> I see a lot of interesting things on this thread, but all of those are
> beyond my knowledge.  I'm just starting to learn programming (K&R),
> the internal structure of the file system is too much for me now. I'm
> thinking about mount dump, and copy the /n/dump directory to other system
> (linux). So my questions are:
> - Is there a way to simulate the incremental backup feature of gnu tar?
> - Is possible to restore the system in a new disk with this copy of dump?
> - What do you recommend me for send the tar file, ssh, nfs or other thing?

here's how i copied one ken file server to another preserving
the history.  this is equivalent to making an incremental backup
each day at the file, not the block level.  the only difference is
a file system was made, rather than a a mkfs archive of changes
for each day of the dump.


- erik

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