the mac only enables "keyboard interactive" auth and not  "password" auth,
these are very similar but different. you need to an option in a config file
on the mac to enable password auth.

i have done this on my mac, but to be honest i cannot remember what i did.
i found it on google somewhere and i am sure you will too. perhaps you will
be more through than i was and add a wiki entry when you work it out.


On 26 May 2013, at 12:25, arisawa <> wrote:

> Hello,
> thanks to geoff and others, we can now connect to linux using ssh in official 
> distribution from bell-labs.
> term% ssh -r arisawa@hebe
> Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-38-generic-pae i686)
> * Documentation:
> Last login: Sun May 26 11:00:17 2013 from maia.local
> hebe$ 
> where hebe is one of my linux host.
> however I don't succeed yet in connecting to Mac using the ssh.
> term% ssh -r arisawa@mmac
> ssh: auth ctl msg `ssh-userauth k arisawa <password>' for /net/ssh/clone: 
> ssh-userath auth failed (not Established)
> where mmac is mac mini that runs on osx/lion. 
> ssh server of mmac is working as shown below.
> hebe$ ssh arisawa@mmac
> The authenticity of host 'mmac (' can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is 80:0a:fc:62:42:e1:22:5b:81:ee:2d:21:b2:bc:ee:75.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added 'mmac,' (RSA) to the list of known 
> hosts.
> Password:
> Last login: Thu May 23 06:55:11 2013
> -bash$ 
> I don't understand the difference of ssh server between linux and osx.
> any suggestion is welcome.
> anyone get connected to mac using ssh of Plan9?
> Kenji Arisawa

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