2013/7/8 Kurt H Maier <kh...@intma.in>:
> On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 06:09:14AM -0400, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
>> Although I spend a large part of my time on a Mac laptop, I'm a little
>> puzzled at how or why one would use two hands with the trackpad
>> doohickey. I just have the trackpad built-in -- I don't have the
>> wireless trackpad -- but I'm curious as to how / why you use this, and
>> how two hands make it more interesting than what one might do with
>> multitouch.
> They're discussing using it in addition to a fully-functional mouse,
> rather than instead of a fully-functional mouse.

I also have a fully functional mouse, so I fail to see how this is
answering anything about my question, which is what Rob is doing with
it. Because it sounds interesting and I'm apparently not smart enough
to infer.

> khm

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