> > i think a bug is setting inuxi8[i+4] = inuxi8[i] for 0<=i<4.
> > mikro; diffy -c *.c
> > diff -c /n/dump/2013/0821/sys/src/cmd/6l/obj.c obj.c
> > /n/dump/2013/0821/sys/src/cmd/6l/obj.c:1455,1471 - obj.c:1455,1471
> >     int i, c;
> >   
> >     for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
> > -           c = find1(0x04030201L, i+1);
> > +           c = find1(0x0807060504030201ULL, i+1);
> Why not
>       for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
> Else what is the point of 
>               c = find1(0x0807060504030201ULL, i+1);
> Just eyeballing. I haven't looked at the actual code.

as it turns out, floating point is already swapped by Ieee, and
anything less than or equal to 4 bytes is cast uprated to a ulong,
not a uvlong.  

this version produces the same output with -a as on amd64.

i think it's a little more clear to straightforwardly set up the nuxi,
and special case the word-swapping in the floating point.
ideally, the low and high words would be merged to a vlong.

this fix likely won't survive its encounter with review intact, but
at least for now i can compile amd64 binaries on mips.
once a final form is in place a fix should be applied to all

- erik

/n/atom/plan9/sys/src/cmd/6l/obj.c:1449,1472 - obj.c:1449,1482
+ static uvlong lorder = 0x0706050403020100ull;
+ letab(uchar *t, int w, int n)
+ {
+       uchar *o;
+       uint i;
+       o = (uchar*)&lorder;
+       o += (o[0]!=0)*(8-w);           /* if big endian, use tail not head */
+       for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+               t[i] = o[i];
+ }
+ void
-       int i, c;
+       int i;
-       for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
-               c = find1(0x04030201L, i+1);
-               if(i < 2)
-                       inuxi2[i] = c;
-               if(i < 1)
-                       inuxi1[i] = c;
-               inuxi4[i] = c;
-               inuxi8[i] = c;
-               inuxi8[i+4] = c+4;
-               fnuxi4[i] = c;
-               fnuxi8[i] = c;
-               fnuxi8[i+4] = c+4;
-       }
+       letab(inuxi1, 4, 1);                    /* cast to 4 bytes, 1 byte tab 
+       letab(inuxi2, 4, 2);
+       letab(inuxi4, 4, 4);
+       letab(inuxi8, 8, 8);
+       letab(fnuxi4, 4, 4);
+       letab(fnuxi8, 4, 4);            /* undo Ieee swapping. */
+       for(i = 4; i < 8; i++)
+               fnuxi8[i] = fnuxi8[i-4]+4;
        if(debug['v']) {
                Bprint(&bso, "inuxi = ");
                for(i=0; i<1; i++)
/n/atom/plan9/sys/src/cmd/6l/obj.c:1489,1523 - obj.c:1499,1504
                Bprint(&bso, "\n");
- }
- int
- find1(long l, int c)
- {
-       char *p;
-       int i;
-       p = (char*)&l;
-       for(i=0; i<4; i++)
-               if(*p++ == c)
-                       return i;
-       return 0;
- }
- int
- find2(long l, int c)
- {
-       short *p;
-       int i;
-       p = (short*)&l;
-       for(i=0; i<4; i+=2) {
-               if(((*p >> 8) & 0xff) == c)
-                       return i;
-               if((*p++ & 0xff) == c)
-                       return i+1;
-       }
-       return 0;

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