Well, I finally figured it out: how to use sam for Real Life Work(TM)!
It took me about 8 hours to figure out, but I finally managed to create
my first practical sam script.  I just kind of pulled a Buddha, you
know, "I will not move from this spot until I can program sam!"  ;)

Far from being mystical, however, the experience was reminiscent of
coding in Scheme.  You have to kind of think of some things backwards,
and the code ends up looking all but unreadable.  In fact, sam is
probably LESS readable than Scheme, because all its commands are single
letters, and it doesn't have any syntax for comments.

The script ended up being 1722 bytes long, occupying 50 lines.  It's not
perfect; it's not even elegant; but it gets the job done.  While I did
not reach enlightenment, I did end up with a script that can convert a
(very poorly-formatted) HTML page into reStructuredText.  And it just
might have made me just as happy.  :)

|Smiley       <smi...@icebubble.org>    PGP key ID:    BC549F8B |
|Fingerprint: 9329 DB4A 30F5 6EDA D2BA  3489 DAB7 555A BC54 9F8B|

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