> At a high level it is about excess baggage that needs to be carried to
> provide a familiar environment for either language.  Python needs Posix, so
> we have to carry its APE baggage, whereas Go brings its own Plan9-ish
> baggage (?[cl], lib9, libbio, etc.) and you'll need to give it some hooks
> to hang them on.

python's requirements are a proper subset of go's, since building go requires
python be installed.

> 2. Use of Go's libbio, rather than Plan 9's. Alternatively libbio on Plan 9
> can be changed. It's not clear to me why this would be a bad thing.

i object to the macros they have been adding.  they haven't been included
in p9p, either.  adding B(put|get)(le|be)(Biobufhdr *b, int width) might
be an interesting convienence, but what they've got for the sake of 1% on
micro benchmarks seems to run counter to the plan 9 culture to me.

- erik

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