> why didn't Erik rip to Mp3, i what I mean... an album is typically 50MB as
> opposed to 650MB

i can answer that.  i wanted full quality, and 150G is less than 15% of the
space i've got.  i've got a pair of by the time i run out, i'll have more space.
my srx presents a lun that the fs uses entirely for media.  it's backed by
a pair of enterprise 1T drives in raid 1.  the low iops of these drives is
not a problem since the bitrate of audio is low by modern standards,
and the stream is largely sequential.

> just downloading a torrent with the mp3's seems simpler
> than swapping cd's. :)

non legal is a non option for me.

but even if it were, one can use the "never underestimate the bandwidth
of a station wagon full of 9 track tapes" principle.  it only took 6-8 hrs
of bad cycles, as sam calls them, to get the bulk of these disks loaded.
with my network connection it would have been ~10 days of torture.

> he is refering to play(1) command in 9front which does
> recognize the following audio formats:

backscatter from another list?  who is "he" and who refered
to play before?

anyway, that brings up another advantage of pcm:

        cat *.pcm > /dev/audio

- erik

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