On Wednesday 18 of December 2013 09:23:19 Blake McBride wrote:
> Problem 1:

it seems you have an un-stated dependency/cies among your intermediate targets 
/ prerequisites.

Say, foo.o depends on foo.c and foo.h -- but foo.h also depends on 
generated_foo.h, which should be generated by make.

in such case, explicitly state (no recipe is necessary):

foo.h: generated_foo.h

so mk knows the `generated_foo.h' must be completed first.

> Problem 2:
> Even though I am executing mk with the "-s" option, it still seems like it
> is running in parallel because a subsequent command can't find a file
> created by a prior command - as if it didn't wait for the prior command to
> finish.  Remember this build fine, and without error codes, when executed
> manually.

-s won't help you there, because it regards processing of /command line/ 
arguments, not of prerequisites. consider:

$ NPROC=1 mk my_target

also investigate -d[egp] debug stuff.

have fun with mk, it's a great little tool :-)

dexen deVries


Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.
                -- L. Long

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