On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Kurt H Maier <k...@sciops.net> wrote:

> Quoting Blake McBride <bl...@mcbride.name>:
>  What I am beginning to understand from comments like this is that there is
>> a "club Plan-9".  Everything ever done by the originators of "club
>> Plan-9"
>> is correct, period.  No mater what exceptions, special cases, or good new
>> ideas occur, they are wrong and we will find some way of rationalizing
>> "club Plan-9".  Anyone can join "club Plan-9" if you buy into that
>> assumption.  The main purpose of Plan-9 forks (with some exceptions) is
>> to
>> port to new hardware.  Messing with the premise of "club Plan-9" is
>> significantly frowned upon and attacked.
>> Just a newbie's (with 35 years experience) perception.
> What I am beginning to understand from comments like this is that there is
> a "club entitlement."  Everything ever done by the members of "club
> entitlement"
> is correct, period.  No matter what preconceptions, bad habits, or
> horrible
> misfeatures exist, they are correct and we will find some way of
> implementing
> "club entitlement."  Anyone can join "club entitlement" if you assume you
> cannot be wrong.  The main purpose of operating systems (with no
> exceptions) is to
> port gnu software.  Messing with the premise of "club entitlement" is
> significantly whined about on tumblr.
> Just a newbie's (with six hundred years experience) perception.
Given the number of times I have been enlightened by this group and shown
to be clearly wrong, I suppose I am not a member of "club entitlement".
 When I make a query, I am looking for examples of why it is done the way
it is.  I have provided examples of why the way it works is a problem.
 Members of "club Plan-9" insist that that is just the way it works, as
opposed to here is a counterexample why the way it works is better.  There
is a difference between valid arguments and club allegiance.


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