The "problem" discussed here is caused by low-resolution timestamps. The
solution is to to increase the resolution of the timestamps, not to add
hacks to the mk tool. Adding hacks and special casings inside tools is
one of the main reasons why Unix is so clumsy and hard to use. Look at how
networking was added to BSD. A quick hack to the kernel that expanded the
API surface and required writing new programs. On Plan 9 we know better.

Increasing timestamp resolution comes at a cost. It is a problem too
minor to be addressed on its own. If there's ever a revamp of the
protocols for some other, more fundamental reason, perhaps it is worth
addressing. Perhaps not. See IX. Making lasting changes too early is
also a mistake Unix made.

I'd also like to note that if low-resolution timestamps became observable
in mk, the thing you are building compiles so quickly that it's unlikey
to cause any wasted human time. Avoiding solving problems that exist only
as academic exercises to keep complexity down is also one good trait of
Plan 9.

Aram Hăvărneanu

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