> Do you have a feeling for what you might like to work on? We haven't
> compiled a list of projects yet, but early proposals (even vague ones)
> are a great help.
> (FWIW, Anthony Sorace is our esteemed GSoC ring-leader)
> Steve

I do! I'm particularly interested in filesystems in general and would
love to work on fossil/venti, perhaps improve fossilcons or fix known
bugs? Databases are another interest of mine and I'd be willing to
working on pq (e.g. the html frontend idea that Conor listed)
I also have Plan 9 on an rpi and would also be interested in working
on the rpi port, though I'm a newbie when it comes to working with
embedded systems.

I know these are all super vague -- I'll probably have more fleshed
out ideas after a bit more poking around the docs and the mailing list
:-) Anyways, I'm really excited to hear that Plan 9 will be applying
to GSoC!


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