I don't think anyone objects to it as an external command.

2014-02-10 21:46 GMT+01:00, Uvelichitel <uvelichi...@gmail.com>:
>       Hi. I know acme authors mean autocompletion destructive (excluding
> ctl-F for filepath). Anyway an attempt.
>       https://bitbucket.org/uvelichitel/compl
> It implemented as external command 'compl' executing in tag. It written
> in Go lang and specifically for Go lang. It based on proven engine. It
> tested on p9p. Feel free to try. It was not two difficult to make
> things working, but I can not clear imagine how autocompletions should
> _looks_like_ in acme without hotkeys and floating windows. Suggestion
> appreciated and can be implemented.
>       Best regards.

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