> As I cannot force plan 9 to use my sata disk, I've decided to buy a sata to 
> usb convertor.
> After compiling the usb tools on 9atom, I can find my disk under /dev/sdU1.0 
> and now is the time to 
> prepare the disk partitions in order to install plan 9. Disk which I want to 
> use isn't empty
> (it contains some of ext4s and swap) but I want to format the entire disk. In 
> 9atom doc's pages
> I've found some example how to initialize the blank disk:
> Initialize the blank disk /dev/sdC0/data.
>       disk/mbr –m /386/mbr /dev/sdC0/data
> disk/fdisk –baw /dev/sdC0/data
> disk/prep –bw –a^(9fat nvram fossil cache swap) /dev/sdC0/plan9
> disk/format –b /386/pbslba –d –r 2 /dev/sdC0/9fat \
>       /386/9load /386/9pcf /tmp/plan9.ini

unfortunately usb disk devices are not directly partitionable.
this can be solved on 9atom with sdloop

        addloop u /dev/sdU1.0/data

this will create /dev/sdu0/^(ctl data) which you can then partition
with diskparts.  (if using the standard distribution use diskparts(8) and
the file will be /dev/sdXX/data)

if you do a pull as glenda, or alternately

        mount /srv/boot /n/root &&
                9fs atom && 
                disk/mkfs -vkU -s /n/atom/plan9^`{pwd} -d . <{echo +}

you can then try "mkusbboot -p `{echo +}".  this may actually work.
let me know if it has not, as i haven't had a chance to test it.

> BTW. If there is any method to compile all the 9atom sources at once(simpler 
> that writting rc script)?

cd /sys/src; mk install && mk clean

there is not enough room on the usb key to install all.

- erik

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