I've been considered why pc kernel dosen't work for go compiling,
however pcpae kernel does.   The 'sources' pc kernel works fine
(from David's talk here).

In the 'sources' pc kernel, there is a definition of fpssesave etc
in its l.s.
On the other hand, no definition in atom's pc kernel.
However, pcpae kernel have them in l.s (named ssesave etc).
I think this is the cause of different behaviours between them.
Am I right?

If so, why atom's pc (not pcpae) kernel dosen't have them?

I also checked two distributions these a few days.
Atom's distribution has libaml libfis, libxml, but
'sources' doesn't.

May I ask you, developpers of both, what the roadway of the
future of Plan 9?


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