i'm guessing that plan9-bcm source directory should be bound -- bind(1) --
to /sys/src/9/9-bcm (or even /sys/src/9/bcm).

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Sean Hinchee <henesy....@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I ran across this ( https://github.com/elewarr/plan9-bcm ) awhile back
> and decided it would be fun to try to stick it on my pi running 9front.
> Problem is I'm either too new to this, or am missing something really basic
> when I'm trying to compile the kernel. Normally iirc one just has to run
> "mk install" and things tend to come together, but I'm getting an error "No
> recipe to make 'fpi.5' in director /sys/src/9/9-bcm"
> I realize that the 5 corresponds to the ARM arch and I assume it is
> supposed to be made automatically, I'm not sure if tehre's some
> documentation somewhere on this I missed or if I should just dig through
> the source to find out what it is/should be.
> Thoughts?

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