On Mon May 19 12:26:00 EDT 2014, quans...@quanstro.net wrote:
> On Mon May 19 10:04:28 EDT 2014, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> > > i indirectly heard "go needs it", but that is not really a reason
> > > i can understand technically.  why must it be a system call?
> > 
> > Actually, Go raised an important alert, quite indirectly: when using
> > high resolution timers, the issue of opening a device, reading it and
> > converting the input value to a binary value can and in this case is
> > very expensive.
> >
> > Curiously, the actual symptom - I cannot remember how it came about -
> > was that using the timer leaked file descriptors, or, more likely,
> > gave the impression of leaking file descriptors.  But the reality is
> > that nanosecond accuracy cannot be achieved from reading a device by
> > conventional means.
> i think my original question still stands.  what is the purpose of timing,
> what is the desired accuracy and precision, and is a relative or absolute
> time wanted?  

also, one cannot get close to 1ns precision with a system call.  a system call
takes a bare minimum of 400-500ns on 386/amd64.

- erik

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