> P.S. The kernel is monolithic. Although, IIRC, there were attempts to make
> it a hybrid.

this is far from the full story.  because of the mount driver, many things
may be in the kernel or userland according to what makes sense.  for
example, the ip stack has moved back and forth several times.  the usb
interface implementations are in user space.  etc.  partfs(8) (sic, should
be in section 4) and sdloop(3) in 9atom are both loopback drivers that
appear to be served through sd(3), but partfs is in userspace and sdloop
is in the kernel.

likewise, resources can be imported from other machines' kernels or
userspace in the same way.  for example, i can import a gateway's ip stack
and use it directly as if it were local.

thus, while the kernel is fairly traditional, the capabilities are not.

- erik

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