> Why would you want to make the fossil partition that small?
> I would keep it at least twice as large as the largest file
> I'd ever want to create.

I was not actually planning on making it that small, I was just
curious as to how fossil would react.
It was brought about mainly because the wiki states that sources only
uses ~512MB for fossil.
Which is what got me thinking "well what if it gets full?"

> Other things to note:
> - make sure you mirror or backup the venti disk or else you
>   may lose the only copy of a block!
> - try this out on a small scale before you commit to it, as I
>   suspect you'll run into various limits and may be bugs. Do
>   report what you discover.
> - performance will likely be poor. For better performance you
>   may want to keep venti index on a separate (flash) disk.
> - it would be nice if you can come up with a workable setup
>   for a venti server!

It's just going on my raspberry pi that I can spare (which is why I got it).
The disk will be fully backed up, so I'm not worried about it failing
for the moment.

It will be a week or two before I get the chance to give it a go, but
I will certainly report how it goes and what bugs or limits (if any) I
trip over.

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