Hi Shane,

I did some off-the-wall promotional posters a while back.  They can be found 
here: http://pdf.multics.org/Propaganda/

They might need some adjustment for A4 stock—since they are all designed to be 
printed with an edge-bleed.

I also did the `time tunnel’ logo; I’ve been meaning to post a highly-tunned 
final version and some variations, but got side-tracked with a rather demanding 
PhD.  I should really just stop making excuses and finish it.  So there is no 
real final version of that yet—though the version I posted is so close to 
finished that it probably does not make any difference, so feel free to use 
that (I tend to let the perfect be the enemy of the good all too often).


On 30 Jun, 2014, at 05:08 , Shane Morris <edgecombe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello 9fans,
> I have an itching need for some Plan 9 promotional posters for my new room in 
> the student accommodation here in Newcastle. I was thinking of getting the 
> immortal IWP9 4e "Submit" poster printed on glossy paper at about A3 size, 
> and mounting it on my wall, and possibly the "Time Tunnel" logo in the PDF 
> that floated through the group earlier in the year.
> However, if anyone has any promotional material they have obtained, and 
> willing to part with, or otherwise had produced themselves, and are willing 
> to part with, I'd be most interested.
> I wonder what the Newcastle Uni CompSci people are going to think of my inane 
> Plan 9 ramblings... perhaps these posters will persuade them, I am the real 
> deal...
> Many thanks!
> Shane.

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