Hello list!

Are there any pointers or short instructions or a HOWTO or something
similar on the art of cross-compiling Plan 9 from Linux?

I've recently decided to start using Plan 9 and, because I am a fucking
lunatic, I've decided to download the source code (from
plan9.bell-labs.com) and compile it to a complete system.

Also, since I have decided to piggy-back the booting of Plan 9 on
Linux, where exactly in the source am I supposed to look to figure out
how to boot Plan 9? My plan is to hack Linux and replace the part when
it starts init with a routine to load Plan 9 and pass control to it.

I do all of this because I am dead-set on porting Plan 9 to my
smartphone-turned-handheld computer. Because I'm not sure I won't brick
the device if I muck with the bootloader, I have to go this way since I
have proven that I am capable of changing the kernel without bricking
the device.

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