I've been looking into it a bit more today. It actually seems to be quite stuck.

I get as far as the 'live usb' boot, with glenda, rio, acme etc
starting up. The "plan 9 install" screen and its live log are there.
While working through the install the only disk appears to be
/dev/sdu0. This is ~4GB in size and is the USB stick.
The PC HDD does not seem the be listed in /dev; there is however a
/dev/sdU0, but this seems to be a duplicate of /dev/sdu0 (based on ls
-l showing the exact same size and the PC HDD should be much bigger
than 4GB).

Took a look at /dev/kmesg and there is only only three lines that look
relevant that I've put in at the end of this email. I can attach more
of it if required.

I attempted running sos/sos but some files appear to be missing. It
says it can not find bin/aux/cpuid, bin/aux/dmi, bin/bzip2.
The /tmp/sos.mkfs.bz2 file is created, but empty.

I suspect it's more likely I've unknowingly missed a step somewhere
rather than the bin directory is actually missing files.

----/dev/kmesg output snippet----
#A0: hda; mem fffffe00f7e30000 irq 4
#A0: hda: coded #0, vendor 10ec0662, rev 00100300
#A0: hda: coded #c, vendor 80862806, rev 00100000

Any help appreciated!

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