Hi, to ease my usage of drawterm from my hp chromebook I'm using
xbindkeys + xdotool to send mouse events on a few keyboard's events.

In particular
AltGr + Left = mouse 1
AltGr + Up = mouse 2
AltGr + Right = mouse 3

This way I can choord even without a 3 button mouse.
This works quite well, but I had to disable X autorepeat with `xset
-r` before starting drawterm but it's quite annoing out of drawterm.

So I'm going to use xdotool behaviours to disable autorepeat when the
mouse enter drawterm and enable it again when it leaves.

However a better approach (for my usecase) would be to have drawterm
ignoring autorepeated events just for these key combinations.

So I'm wondering how hard is to hack drawterm.  Here my questions:

- where I can find the most updated sources of drawterm? (links from
http://swtch.com/drawterm/ seem to be broken)
- Is there any simpler solution? Buying a three-button mouse is quite
hard in Italy, and above all its usage is not viable on my couch...

Thanks for your help!


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