I was doing some experiments with db(1), when I tried something like:

main:b *argv/X

and it gave me an error. I debugged it and I found that is a bug in the
code due to a mix between char* and Rune*. I have created a patch
in sources with the name unicode-db.

The funny thing is this error must be at least 20 years old,
because clearly its origin is the unicode translation of old unix tools.
I have checked  labs, 9front and plan9port and all of them have
the error (in some moment someone realized about a warning
of the compiler about different pointer types and simply put a
cast, that is not present in the code of plan9port).

I send this mail here, first because I think is the error is funy,
second because is my first patch send to plan9 and I'm not sure about
the process, and third because it affects to all the versions of plan9
and I'm not sure if all of them take this bug fixes from sources.


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