two additional points.  I the style for note matching is strstr matching 
because the exact string can't be counted on.  for example details may be 
added.  also the bio(2) library and peint(2) areusually used instead of stdio.

- erik

On Jun 27, 2015 1:30 PM, Nils M Holm <> wrote:
> I'm trying to get the DEL key to cause an error in an interpreter I'm 
> writing. On Unix, I just catch SIGINT and set an error flag that causes 
> the interpreter to return to the REPL. On Plan9, fgetc() seems to return 
> EOF after catching an "interrupted" note. 
> To make a long story short, I expected the following code to echo 
> characters typed and print "oopsie" when DEL is pressed. It should 
> keep echoing after printing "oopsie", but it just exits instead. 
> What am I missing? 
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
> #include <u.h> 
> #include <libc.h> 
> #include <stdio.h> 
> void n(void *x, char *s) { 
> if (!strcmp(s, "interrupt")) { 
> print("oopsie!\n"); 
> noted(NCONT); 
> } 
> else { 
> noted(NDFLT); 
> } 
> } 
> main() { 
> int c; 
> notify(n); 
> c = fgetc(stdin); 
> while (c != EOF) { 
> fputc(c, stdout); 
> c = fgetc(stdin); 
> } 
> return 0; 
> } 
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
> -- 
> Nils M Holm  < n m h @ t 3 x . o r g > 

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