looks like the problem was a prior config having given another device the same 
ip. the client is not giving up its address even after lease expiration.

- erik

On Jul 31, 2015 5:58 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> i'm looking at a windows 7 client that is not happy with dhcp.  i know this 
> machine had 
> been happy dhcp'ing on the network 18 months ago, but now it's not.  here's 
> the symptom: 
> lilly Jul 31 05:57:38 Discover(> 
> xid(e52418a9)flag(0)ea(6480993af534)id(id016480993af534)need(mask dom router 
> dns NBns NBtype NBscope discoverrouter staticroutes 121 249 vendorinfo ) 
> lilly Jul 31 05:57:38 
> Offer(
> typ(2)leas(1800)sid(
>  dns( 
> lilly Jul 31 05:57:38 Request(> 
> xid(e52418a9)flag(0)ea(6480993af534)ip(
>  dom router dns NBns NBtype NBscope discoverrouter staticroutes 121 249 
> vendorinfo ) 
> lilly Jul 31 05:57:38 
> Ack(
> typ(5)leas(1800)sid(
>  dns( 
> lilly Jul 31 05:57:38 Decline(> 
> xid(e52418a9)flag(0)ea(6480993af534)ci(
> it appears to ask for 
> mask dom router dns NBns NBtype NBscope discoverrouter staticroutes 121 249 
> 121 is classless static routes 
> it's not clear to me why the win 7 machine is declining the address.  has 
> anyone seen this before? 
> - erik 

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