On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 10:02:54AM -0700, erik quanstrom wrote:
> the .bashrc lookalike is *not* rcmain. rcmain is the second
> phase of the rc virtual machine bootstrapping itself.
> the .bashrc lookalike is $home/lib/profile.
> - erik

I don't see any real difference between adding modified versions of my .bashrc 
things to rcmain or putting them to $home/lib/profile and editing rcmain to 
make it do -l every time rc is launched as an interactive shell. There are a 
lot, though. And that may means it will source the file even if I use rc as it 
was a scripting language for things that aren't my terminal env.
I just didn't like to wrap rc -l, use win rc -l or launch rc and . 
$home/lib/profile (or whatever I would use as alias). So probably I'll use 
rcmain in a fashion that would resemble, in part or wholly, .bashrc.

Teodoro Santoni

Something is wrong. I don't wanna compile 20 KB of Go code to list files.

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