Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <r...@rkrishnan.org> writes:

> Had been reading the SOSP paper:
> <https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/papers/stack:sosp13.pdf>
> and this blog post that proposes a simpler C:
> <http://blog.regehr.org/archives/1180>

I started reading the paper and its interesting. I didn't knew till date
how optimizations really worked and why they were considered harmful.

Yet to read the blog.

> I wonder how Plan 9 C compiler, which is a non-ANSI compliant compiler,
> treats those parts that the ANSI C standard treats as undefined.

No idea. But Brantley Coile might be able to answer, most of his article
he mentions compiler won't do any magic, I assume those magic are meant
for the optimizations.

Of course others from 9fans/9front might have answers but that name came
to my mind as I read some recent article where he mentioned about plan9

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