> ...and arguing with it, based on assuming charles is disagreeing with
> me about reasonable behavior. he isn't. apparently, you didn't take
> the time to read what i had written in the first place. or at least
> not past the first sentence.
> this is really annoying to me because it tends to be a frequent thing
> you do when replying to me on this list: disagreeing with me based on
> something that seems like either assuming i don't have any basis for
> understanding what i'm talking about, or not reading what i've written
> and assuming others are disagreeing with me. the reason this is
> annoying is because i have to re-read what i've written, carefully, to
> make sure i don't have to retract anything i've said.

for the record, i did not intend to disagree with your statement.

i did want to make it clear that i, and several people i've worked with
on plan 9 have made a concerted effort to be as compliant with the
standard as reasonable; i was making a related by separate point.  etc.

sorry if you took it this way.  sorry for using your statement as a foil.
please accept my apology.

- erik

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